Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Gorgonzola, Pear and Walnut Bakes p.94/95

Over dinner tonight ... home made chicken & ham pasty, Tracy picked this one and as a result have recruited a new member to my tasting panel.

It will be good to see if these could be added to the menu for her 50th birthdsay celebrations in the summer. I now have Mondays project - it's good to have tasty delights to look forward to .... see you then :)

Well chosen Tracy Anstee !  

I made the bread dough first thing this morning using the same technique as the dried cherries & roquefort bread : use your hands because your sense of  touch is far more accurate  rather than sight when using a mixer.  Once your have formed your ball of dough and all the mix has been been included - sides of the clean - tip it out onto a lightly floured board :

 Knead it for 5-10 minutes until you have a ball of dough which has a smooth outer "skin".
Place it into a lightly oiled deep bowl and place a clean tea towel over it and,let it prove over 1 - 3 hours until it has at least doubled in size.  I, infact, left it longer since I was doing other thiongs including the sourcing of gorgonzola .... maybe 5 hours ...

Of course having sourced  gorgonzola ... Sainsbury's ... there were two types : dolce and piccante - hmmmm - which one ? Well the Silver Fox didn't state which one so a combo ! Soft, creamy and light : dolce, mixed with a harder - though a soft edge to it, more intense or deeper taste : piccante.

As you can see the dough rose well but you must not knock the air out of it in the next stage.
To remove I was going to use this "paddle" :

but didn't need to since the bowl had been lightly oiled and it tipped out easily onto my slab of marble on my work top.

I then lined two baking trays with baking parchment.

Pre-heat the oven at 220 or gas mark 7.

I then rolled the dough into a rectangle approx. 2.5 cms thick with the long edge infront of me - making the egde near me was tacked to the work surface.
I chopped up the gorgonzola into smallish pices and smashed (whacked them in a plastic food bvad witha rolling pin - a very therapeutic action for those who have a had a bad day at the office - better a split food bag of walnuts than a day in the office !) the walnuts into small pieces.  I peeled, cored and cut up te pears too into think small slices :

I then scattered the cheese over the rectangle and thern added the smashed walnut pieces.

Next I rolled the dough and contents into a sausage shape ensuring the edge was firmly attached to the long roll :
I rolled the sausage shape to ensure the dough stuck together.
Using a sharp knife I then cut out 3cms pieces - I got 10 good size pieces , the book says 15 ...  ooops :/ I placed them onto the two lined baking trays.

 I then placed the two baking trays into a plastic beg and let it prove for 30 minutes.  Last of all before placing them into the oven I placed two pieces of pear into each 'bak'e, sprinkled them lightly with flour and put them into the pre-heated oven.

Cook for 15 -20 minutes - mine took 25 ... until golden brown and of course cookred through - the botton when tapped should sound hollow - that's what I was told by Mrs. Morris - my Domestic Science teacher at Olchfa Comprehensive School '73-'75.

Voila !

Yet another one you'll have to make unless you're on my tasting panel - always looking for new members - indeed I recruited today.

So next will be wholemeal bread and croissants - Normandy butter ready and waiting :)


  1. Hiya! I tried mine last week. That blue cheese freaked me out and yours looks more blue (more genuine) than mine. Am glad the baking sorted everything out. Nice melting cheese coming out of everywhere.
    Question: Instruction #6, When he says to roll into a long sausage, do you think he means a Swissroll, like on page 92/93? I dont see any other way to do it. Mine came a bit better than yours but nothing like the picture in the book which is bumming right now. I sent Paul a twitter message but that idiot never answered. What a rude man.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think you might like this recipe:

  4. I gave this recipe a try yesterday and while I was having much angst over how to add the pears my dear husband found your blog.
    I ended up just shoving a few pear chunks in each roll and crossed my fingers.
    They look great but I think I would use a little less gorgonzola and chop up the pear and sprinkle it on with the cheese and nuts.
    I'm happy I found a fellow Hollywood baker and look forward to reading the rest of your blog.


Hi ! Please give some feedback ... and buy the book and join me on my bakingly good fun journey x